
If you are feeling low and down or just anxious you can now self refer to speak to an IAPT counsellor under the NHS. Patients who are registered with a Haringey GP or living in Haringey, 16 years old or over, or experiencing depression and/or anxiety or related problems can access the service.

Online Mental Health and Wellbeing Support for 11-25 years olds in North Central London

Eligibility for support via to young people aged 11-25 (up to 26th birthday) across North Central London. is a free, anonymous, online counselling and emotional wellbeing service.

With no waiting lists, young people can access counselling and from qualified therapists up to 10pm every night, 365 days a year, as well as accessing othe key features of support such as an online interactive magazine, peer support, live forums and journaling.

Kooth has no referrals or thresholds and young people can register independently at Kooth can provide support to young people awaiting specialist intervention as well as those who may not meet thresholds.

IAPT Haringey NHS counselling service

To self refer to a counsellor without having to see a GP, complete their online self-referral form and they should contact you within 2-4 weeks.

Anger Management Support

Patients who feel that they may have anger management issues can self refer to the Everyman Project. Contact is confidential. Please ring Anger Management on 0207 263 8884.

Big White Wall

The Big White wall offers a peer to peer community support tool (support network) that allows patients to anonymously post within a safe environment their feels, emotions or anything they wish and receive support and feedback from their peers. It is free for Haringey patients without login. Access the service by putting your postcode into it and start expressing your self.


If you are worried about acting on suicidal thoughts, please contact your GP or the Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team (CRHT) service on 0208 702 6700. If you are worried about hearing voices or other psychotic symptoms, please contact your GP or specialist mental health services via HPCMHT on 0208 442 6706. If you are experiencing problems with drug or alcohol misuse, please contact your GP or DASH (Drug Advisory Service Haringey) on 0208 489 4011 or HAGA (Haringey Advisory Group on Alcohol) on 0208 800 6999.

Open Door counselling service for young people (12-24yr)

Open door offers free confidential counselling and psychotherapy to young people aged 12-24 living in Haringey. They provide a safe space for young people to talk through a range of issues including problems at home, school, college or work; difficulties with relationships; problems with drugs or alcohol; anger or aggression; depression or anxiety; self-harm or eating difficulties. They can offer counselling, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness Based Therapy, Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT), Family Therapy, Group Therapy, Key support. They can be contacted by telephone on 0208 348 5947 or email, [email protected].


Childline is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of 19. You can contact a Childline counsellor about anything by telephone on 0800 1111. No problem is too big or too small.